Saturday, March 26, 2011

Up at 4 - Cock-a-doddle-do!

I am not overly fond of keeping rooster's hours, but this phenomenon continues to happen on a regular basis, and why I find the need to sit up, grab my laptop and come online is also a mystery. Nothing like further stimulating my brain!

Anyway, this is a new blog.  I already have four others that I can't begin to keep  up with, so what the heck am I doing with another one?  I have no clue.  At any rate, here I sit in the dark, all alone on my bed typing away! 

I am a professional writer, and while screenwriting is definitely my passion, it is not the only kind of writing I do.  Truthfully, I feel a bit like Virginia Woolf.  She was labeled a bit of a writing whore, because of the various genres that she wrote in, and that would definitely be me! 
Perhaps I should use this quiet moment to work on one of my screenplays, or perhaps I should attempt to go back to sleep...  I could sit here and wait for inspiration...


I'm not feeling it... Jack London says, "You can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club."  I definitely don't have the energy for that, soooooo...

I am going to go back to sleep! be continued...